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Steps In Life CR

Steps in life's mission is to guide each child by creating enriching experiences that demonstrate academics principles in everyday life, encourage exploration and full participation, and overcome barriers to learning .

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School Tour

To schedule your in person or online tour, please 


Class Activities

Project based learning (individual and group), core academics, arts, movement.

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Field-based learning

Field trips, volunteering, entrepreneurial projects, and exploration


Message from Michelle Renee

Founder of Steps in Life CR

The term ‘education’ encompasses more than just knowledge and knowing. It is a harmonious blend of academia, arts, sports, emotions, attitudes, creativity, nature and life itself! And in the world we have built today, the one who is adept in all these areas is the one who experiences true success emanating from the inside out.

About Our School

“Our intention is to integrate what we believe are the greatnesses in all teaching modalities. Every educational philosophy has strengths and not one of them “fits all”. By being open, a higher level of education and learning is created.” Michelle Renee


Have you ever wondered how your life would be different with an education that was supportive instead of institutional? Fantasize about being able to explore, expand on what you are interested in and explore what touches your heart. How would your life be different now? This was the question that started our current journey of opening a school. We wanted our children to be nourished in a way supporting their personal journey, along with expanding awareness of community, and so Steps in Life was created.


Our Campus


Crafted entirely out of local hardwoods, 3 cabinas and various covered areas have been converted into classrooms that are surrounded by the natural beauty of Costa Rica. Being amongst creeks, streams, old growth trees, a lagoon, huge pool, and a treasure of diverse wildlife to complete the perfect Costa Rican learning center.

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